
Self-Assessment of my project

       After finishing my whole project, I felt a huge accomplishment; no matter how good or not it is. : )
       First, I gave myself a B+~A- for character because I used the character which was the original character in this book, Ellen, becuase I did not want to break the original plot by adding a new character. In my opinion, the book wants to tell us Sookan was the only unique one because the author must mention that if there was another Asian student, who was very excellent and hard-working, but there was no hints about that, so I thought I should not add one character which from my country, although it will be much more easy to write. As a result, I chose Ellen, a native American. It was a big challenge for me because I needed to think in the way of Americans, and the things I wrote needed to follow American cultures. I still have many things to improve, but I think I did a good job for my first time, So I give myself an A for choosing the character, and a B for developing the character.
       Second, I think I wrote many details in my project, but most of them were visible details, and all of them belong to the "see" in the five senses. Although I had other senses in my writing, I still need to add more other details to make them become as much as the "see" sense, so I give myself a B- for this part.
        Third, the narration, description and reflectiong. It was the part which I satisfied most because each of my diary has told what happened clearly and included tons of characters' feelings. And the emotions of my character were versatile, so it makes my character become very vivd and interesting. Some of my plots were chosen from the book which were the original plots, but I changed my focus from Sookan to Ellen, and I think I was pretty successful of this changing part. Then readers can see a different world from Sookan's. They could see what Ellan saw, and they can feel what Ellen felt. I also wrote many descriptions, such as the descriptions of environment, the descriptions of characters' actions and the description of characters' feelings and emotions. That makes my writing more readable, so I give myself an A for this part.
       Fourth, I give a B for the clarity and correctness part because I do correct many mistakes before I hand it, and I think I still have some mistakes but not that much.
       I spent a long time writing this project, and I rewrote three times in order to make it better, although it was still not as perfect as I expected. I do improved my description part and grammar. I really hope my English writings will become as beautiful as my Chinese writings. 

