
Diary 10 Nov 22nd

Dear diary,
Nov 22nd

     Thanksgiving is coming, I am so happy!! Sookan was sure that she will go to my home to spent the Thanksgiving with me! And she will bring her hamboks which are those beautiful long dresses. She told me that I can wear the deep blue one to show my parents! I was so happy. I can not believe my ears! I am sure my parents will love them!
      When we arrived at my home, I introduced her to my parents. I think my parents liked Sookan, no one did not like Sookan. Sookan was so tried these days, she worked so hard without break. I felt overwhelmed about her everyday doing list. Her had the full schedule whole day and her coures are difficult. I can not imaged that a foreigner choose such difficult coures for herself! 
      I showed the hambok to my parents. Their surprising face made me feel happy and Sookan said I looked pretty in this blue hambok. She even gave this valuable hambok to me!!! What a expensive present! I was so happy. 
      We spent a happy time during the dinner, Sookan seemed that she liked my mother's cooking. I was glad. I really hope she can get enough rest this Thanksgiving. 


