

Look up the definitions of comma splice, run-on sentence, sentence fragment, independent clause, and dependent clause. Post the definitions on your blog along with an example for each term.

Comma splice: 
  • 1.
    A comma splice is the use of a comma to join two independent clauses. ( a kind of grammar error)
    For example: 
    I ate vegetables today, he ate meat.

    run-on sentence:
    2. An ungrammatical sentence in which two or more independent clauses are conjoined without a conjunction ( a kind of grammar error)
    For example:
    I went a park today with my friends I took many pictures then we had a picnic we were very happy.

    sentence fragment
    3. Some groups of words of phrases stand independently but they are not independent clauses. ( a kind of grammar error) 
    For example:
    Until you fall asleep.

    Independent clause
    4. Independent clause is a kind of complete sentence which has subject and verb.
    For example:
    I am a student.

    Dependent clause
    5. Dependent clause was made up by several words or phrases and can not stand independently.
    For example:
    When I had lunch in the afternoon with friends.

