

Once upon a time, I went back to my home town during the Christmas break. After a 21-hour-trip, tired obviously showed up on my face. I fell asleep in my parents’ picking up car and got up early on my cozy bed next morning. To tell the truth, my home is the best and warmest place for me, and my old friends and relatives are the dearest people. I switched on my phone to see who I can hangout with to kill time of my boring holiday.
“ How are you? Long time no see. I’m back! Do you mind to have a drink with me this afternoon?” I sent a message to my friends and looked forward to their reply. “ Wow, I can not believe that you are back. I miss you so much, but I’m sorry I have full schedule these days. Have fun!” Actually, I was so disappointed, but I understood them. After all they did not have Christmas break, and their final test is coming soon. I lied on my bed, listening to music. I saw time flying in front of me, and I wasted them without enjoying myself. One day, my phone rang excitedly like the singing bird. To my surprise, it was a call from my old primary classmate, and he invited me to hangout with him. We did not see each other for about five years, and I misses him very much. He went back from England during the Christmas break, and he had bunch of time to stay with me. When I put off the phone, I got on my coat quickly and rushed out of the door happily. 
At the corner of the busy shopping mall, I saw him. He was tall and handsome. Although he changed a lot, I still can dimly see that young boy playing with me under the sun, and I still can remember that unforgettable beautiful time. We went into the crowd.

