
Gathering of Pearls

                                            The book review of gathering of pearls
      Gathering of pearls is a good book for international students to read. It talks about a Korean girl named Sookan came to American university to study by herself. She met many problems, but she solved all of them finally. She was a smart, nice and strong girl and I learnt many things from her experiences.
       Firstly, I learnt that we need to keep working hard in order to achieve good scores. As the saying goes, “No pain, no gain.” Everything will be better, if you pay time and energy on it. Sookan did a really good job. She focused on study. She got up very early to study everyday and she was always the last student left the class because she wanted to write down all notes. She went back dorm late. She kept doing that day by day and every teacher liked her very much because no one could say no to an extremely hard-working person. I saw diligence and burrow on her. This kind of sprit is valuable and it is necessary for each student. For high school students who are at the age which is the best time to study, hard-working is one of the most important things. Sookan is a perfect model for us, so this is one of the reasons that I will recommend this book to others.
       Secondly, although Sookan was a little bit shy and afraid to communicate with native speakers in a new environment, actually, she was really good at communication. She was good at making friends and made other people like her. It is called personal charisma. She did not show this kind of ability clearly, but she did have that. She was polite maybe it was because of her original culture, so every teacher liked her. Sister Reed even seemed Sookan as her own daughter and gave Sookan a valuable pearl necklace. Sookan respected others and she was very friendly and warm-heart. She was good at accomplishing others and she was always nice to others, so her classmates recommended her to become the student chair during the election, even though Sookan knew a little about her classmates. Sookan was a good friend. She was wise and cared about others' feelings. She could give her friends correct adivses and helped her friends solve problems. She made two very good friends because of her personality. And her friends helped her a lot when she was in trouble. So this book also taught us how to communicate with others and become friends with them. Society is very important for everyone, so that it is good for us to read this book and see how Sookan deal with this kind of problems. It gave us a lesson.
       Finally, the most important thing that the book wanted to tell us was life was hard, if we bump into troubles, we might be sad and hopeless, but we still need to be strong and move on happily. Sookan faced many troubles and sad things. She can not catch up the lessons at the beginning, she felt overwhelmed. She solved it by working harder and harder. She felt not good about writing letters with her sister because her sister was so strict and always made Sookan to follow her thoughts even her thoughts were not suitable for this new environment. Sookan struggled with that for a long time, but finally she chose to understand her sister like her mother did. To accept others rather than change them. She lost her dearest mother and she did not know it until she finished the first semester. She felt like it was the ending of the world, but she moved on and made her own decision to continue studying in America, to fulfill her dream. The things that Sookan had been through were heavier than others and maybe because it was in the book, but it taught people that we need to be strong enough to fight with our lives, to make it better by ourselves. This book encouraged us to smile to our lives, to turn the pain experiences into shining beautiful pearls. Everything will be ok. And those difficult time you have been through will only turn into steps, full your life and make you become to a better person.
      This book is perfect for people like me to read because it is not that difficult to understand and it gave readers many life enlightenments.

