
Diary 6

Dear diary,
         I was so sad because I told my parents about me and Kyle and I wanted to marry Kyle. I argued with them because they did not agree that. They always said I am to young to have a boy friend. I do not want to explain this to them and I do not want to talk to them. I think they could not understand my feeling, never, ever! I just want to elop with Kyle and start our own life. I love him so much, I can live without him. I was so mad, I do not know how to solve this.
         I told Sookan that I wanted to elop with Kyle, she was shocked and argued with me. She said I was so naive that I did not think about my parents and what will happen if I just elope with Kyle. She also said that I need to talk to my parents for real, and I need to express my feelings I should not just say nothing with them, or they can not understand my feeling neither. We yelled at each other, I felt so sad. But when I thought about what she said. I thought she was right. I need to have a long deep talk with my parents. I need to try for me and for Kyle. 
       I felt that Sookan was very nice, she did care about me. I should not yell at her. I felt so bad, I thought she will forgive her but I do not know how to face her and how to let it go. Everything will be fine. Now Ellen, go to sleep.


