
After the storm

                          After the Storm
          Sookan, a Korean girl who goes to study in American college alone. Her life in American is hard but happy. She gets involved with different new culture, makes new foreign friends and gains more experience. And she also has some excellent personalities such as warm-heart, humility and hard-working which make her get into this new environment quickly. In my opinion, she will probably succeed her college study in America.
          Life is hard. Sookan will bump into some troubles defiantly but I believe she will solve all those problems.
          Firstly, now Sookan is not good at English, she can not get high grades of those difficult courses. She always needs to stay at classroom alone to write down all of notes. It takes her lots of time and this is an extremely hard work. She gives herself too heavy burden and actually she can not hand it well because she even doesn't have time to eat and sleep. It does harm to her health. But English can be improved through daily conversations. It means to communicate with native speakers more. So Sookan needs to be more socialize. And luckily she already starts to know about this, she finds that her life is tired and hard. She does not have time to join in the community activities and can not enjoy the college social life. So the thing which going to happen is, she takes a deep thinking of this problem and have a talk with both Ellen and Marcie. Ellen encourages Sookan to join more social activities and to experience real college life. She makes Sookan to join the second election and Sookan becomes the student councilor. Sookan gets more opportunities to talk with native speakers and to express her own ideas. As a result, her comprehension and expression of English improve a big step. Marcie does not care about the social life. She just suggests Sookan do not sleep so late and supervises her to have lunch on time everyday. Sookan does a good job on both study and life because of them.
            Secondly, she needs to gain money to support herself. She can not get money form her family because her family is not rich and she does not want to ask money form her mother. She works for the scholarship work everyday during the free period in the dining hall and she also does baby-setting for Professor Bennett. She works hard and everyone likes her. So I think then Professor Bennett wants to give Sookan more money for the baby-setting but Sookan refuses. But Professor Bennett still helps Sookan find an other job which is helping the librarian translate some Korean books in to English and they will pay for it. So Sookan does the translation work during the baby-setting and even talks about the book with Sarah and Jimmy. Then with those money Sookan can support herself and even send some money back to Korea.
         Thirdly, she still confuses with the different between Korean culture and American culture. She feels free to do things in the American way. She feels good to talk with older people equally in America but she still remembers to be polite and humility. She likes to introduce her own culture to others. She is a Korean after all, but she is still a mix production of two different cultures. She keeps writing letters to her mother and sister and she even gets in touch with her brothers and friends. She introduces her life here in America and tells them the things that they did not know before. She spends a lot of time communicating with her sister, although her sister does not change her mind, she still supports Sookan to make her life more meaningful through helping poor people. Finally the relationship between Sookan and her sister becomes much more better. And Sookan gets use to American life style step by step. Her life at here becomes truly happy and worthy.
           She will fulfill her dream someday.

