
The 3 movies

it was made by DreamWorks Studio.
It talks about a kind of E.T. all from a planet which was really far away from Earth and came to Earth to avoid the attact from the E.T from another planet. Their personalities were dishonest, boring, coward and selfish. They took control of the Earth and placed all of the human to a tiny place on the Earth. One little girl escaped from E.T. and was the only human left in the cities; she was creative, brave, friendly and warm-heart, and she was pretty stubborn. She wanted to find her mother, and then she met an E.T. who was hiding from others because he made a huge mistake and can not be forgiven. As a result, they worked together and got on a same car, but they had exactly different goals.  

It talks about a tough strong young horse who was caught by human. Many people wanted to tame him, but they all failed. There was a young native man who was really good at geting on well with horses, and they spent a long time together. Finally, the horse admited that the man is his friend and let him rode on his back. The young man is the person who change the horse to become more docile and skilled. Then the horse had been caught by the army, and the young man helped the horse to escape.

<Lilo & Sitich>
It was one of the most famous flims. It talks about a little blue monster called experiment No.626 escaped to the Earth because they wanted to kill it. He was tough, rude and wild. He was accidently adopted by a little girl from Hawaii whoes name was Lilo. Lilo lived with her sister and nonoe of her parents were taking care of them. They were sort of poor, and Lilo was a trouble maker. She could not get on well with her classmates. Lilo taught Sitich how to love and care people who were important to them. Finally, Sitich became one of the member of Lilo's family. 

