
Some feelings after reading Me and You

      Lorenzo and Olivia were both people who can not blend in with the crowd. They had some kind of different personalities with other people. I felt pitiful for them because I can feel actually they were looking forward to having someone who loved them, who needed them and who cared about them. They felt lonely when they got in trouble because they had nobody.  When they found each other were the person who can trust and love; they finally experienced the feeling of "me and you", but the happy time did not last for a long time.
      Lorenzo and Olivia had not met for 10 years, after they spent the last “dinner night” together in cellar and left that morning. Lorenzo still kept the note which Olivia left him until now. Olivia said thank you to Lorenzo on that note, and she hoped to meet him again in the future, but 10 years later, when Lorenzo came to find Olivia, she had already died because of overdose. Her skin was yellow, and she was as skinny as she was in the cellar with Lorenzo, but she looked peaceful and beautiful. 
      Actually, I was really shocked when I knew this was the ending of the book. I did not expect Olivia will die at all. I just imagined that Lorenzo would meet a really healthy, beautiful and sexy Olivia who has blonde long hairs, attractive grey eyes and graceful purple dress, and they would hug each other, cry and have a long talk. Their conversation will never end because they want to tell each other all the things happened in this 10 years; they missed each other a lot.However, all of the imagination became to foam when I read Olivia died. I was sad because I did not understand why Olivia did not keep her promise which was she would not take drugs any more. She deserves a better life. To tell the truth, I do not like this ending at all. Why people always die in some kind of books? It is not realistic at all! Will the life really become that terrible which characters could only use die to solve their problems? I have read too many this kind of endings, and I was tired of it. I’m going to rewrite the ending:
       Lorenzo was sitting at the corner of the coffee shop, and he had just ordered a cup of latte. He took out the note which Olivia left for him ten years before and used his hand to unfold it carefully. The paper was yellow and wrinkled, and the words on it were fuzzy and can not be read any more.
       “Sir, here’s your latte, you bastard” A really bright sound interrupted Lorenzo. Lorenzo raised his head up surprisingly, and a mature woman in a graceful purple dress ran into his eyes. She hold a white delicate cup with golden decorate in front of her wide breasts. It was hard to recognize, although her beautiful grey eyes let Lorenzo know who she was. She put the latte on the table, set down next to Lorenzo and fondled his head gently. Lorenzo smiled with tears in his eyes……
      “Good to see you again.”
       Here is the ending which I expected to see. From Lorenzo’s story, I learned that we need to spend more time with the person who we care about; do not wait to love them until they already left. Lorenzo lost his grandma and his sister. Even though maybe he can not do anything to stop it, at least he can show his love to them when it was not too late. I think he should stay in touch with Olivia during this ten years, and maybe he could give her a hand when she was in trouble and needed his help like she was standing outside the cellar ten years before; maybe she will not die because she knew that Lorenzo loved her and cared about her all the time. Besides, life is not that terrible, we should not do those stupid things to ourselves, and we should always remember that there will be somebody who does care about us, and we need to keep working to have a happy life to make them proud of us. 

