
final draft

Betty Huang

                                           The Change of Cocoon

       What is love? Love is a giant mutual power which can connect people's hearts, lets them become closer and changes their personalities. No one wants to always be alone and always be the "different type" in others' eyes. Everyone yearns for someone who could give a little piece of love to them, care about them and never give up on them. This love will change them. In Me and You, Olivia trusts Lorenzo and shares her feelings with him, and gives Lorenzo a special experience of being needed, which lets Lorenzo know how to care about other people and actually do something to help others; In the film, Lilo&Stitch, Lilo teaches Stitch the meaning of love and family, and she shares hers with Stitch, making him feel warm and safe. Because of this, Stitch changes from an evil cold-blood monster to an important indispensable member of Lilo's little sweet family. Because of two Olivia and Lilo’s gentleness and patience, Lorenzo and Stitch open their minds and become to more caring people.

          Me and You shows how Lorenzo, an isolated boy, opens his mind and becomes to a mature and reliable man because of the days which he spent with Olivia in the cellar. Lorenzo used to be a lonely boy who was lack of safety, and he does not trust anyone because when he was a little boy his father forced him to swim by suddenly throwing him into the sea, although he was very afraid of water. His sister Olivia saw: You were down in the cockpit playing with your toys, they came up to you from behind, slipped your armbands off and you started wriggling, yelling like they were skinning you alive (Ammaniti 139). This indicates how terrible Lorenzos father is. He does not care about Lorenzos feeling at all. The way he treats his own kid is kind of cruel. The actions which Lorenzo did show he was extremely scared because of this, and this is a horrible experience for him which left an unforgettable nightmare in his deep mind. This is reason why Lorenzo resists trusting people because he was betrayed by one of his dearest people. He lost the ability of trust and closed his mind when he wassuch a young boy. He cannot get involved with others, and he shows his tough and stubborn side in order to protect himself. He lies to his mother that he is going to the ski trip with his friends, but actually he is hiding in the cellar alone. This portrays that a lonely and pathetic boy locks himself in his own world which is like the dark cellar and refuses to feel the sunshine outside. He needs someone to open the door of the dark room inside his heart. 

           Olivia is the person who changes Lorenzo because she rushed into Lorenzo’s world accidentally and brought him a totally different experience which he has never had before. She is an addict, and she has bad relationship with others, specifically, her father. When she was suffering from withdrawal, she came to the cellar.  At first, Lorenzo did not want Olivia to come in because he does not trust Olivia. He is vigilant against her because he was afraid that Olivia would reveal his secret. However, when he lets her in and sees that she looked liked shed been chewed up and spat out by a monster who had found her too bitter to eat (Ammaniti 91), he feels pity for her. So Lorenzo takes care of her and finds medicinefor her. Because of this, he feels like he is a useful man, a hero. This portrays that the feeling of being needed is amazing, and it gains Lorenzothe sense of accomplishment by helping his half-sister, which holds two young persons hearts closer little by little. Lorenzo is no longer as selfish as he was before, and he learns how to care about others because of this. Olivia feels better, for Lorenzos great efforts. She has a heart-to-heart talk with Lorenzo and dances with him: But that evening I danced, and when Idanced I felt something Id never felt before. I felt alive-it took my breath away (Ammaniti 143)This shows that because of Olivia, Lorenzo overcomes the thing which he hates the most---dancing, and he feels alive when he is dancing with Olivia. This is a certainly new experience for him. Because of this, Lorenzo starts to experience new things, shares his feelings with others. It is a huge step for him. Lorenzo is thinkingI knew that beyond that door the world was waiting for me, and that I would be able to talk to the others like I was one of them. I could leave. I could go to boarding school. I could change the furniture in my bedroom” (Ammaniti143). This shows that because of Olivia, Lorenzo starts to think about his own, think about his life and think about the world around him. He discovers the truly himself which is hopeful and positive. He starts to use his heart to feel, and everything suddenly becomes bright and meaningful. Lorenzo is changing little by little like a cocoon which is going to get outthe struggle and ready to become a butterfly.

           At the beginning of Lilo & Stitch, when Stitch has not met Lilo yet, his another side which can feel the warm of love and human being has not been discovered, either. His exist is seemed as an unbearable evil thing among the whole universe because he is designed to destroy. Then he escaped from the spaceship and landed on the Earth accidentally. Because of this, his whole life has been changed, and he is given a chance to embrace his new lifeHe pretends that he is a normal dog but a little bit weird, and he is adopted by a little Hawaii girl names Lilo. He did not know how to restrain his instinct. He broke the shelf, tear down the pillow,bit the camera and hit peopleThis shows that he is tough and cannot fit in this new environment, and actually he cannot really fit in any kinds of environment because he is man-made, and he is not even a creature which can have emotions and feelings, that means he was more likely to be a computer program than a human. But he is smart, many things he can learn step by step on his own. When he finds out there is nothing can be destroyed, and he is the only different one, he feels lonely and helpless.

                Family for a violent alien experiment is far out of reach, but it is also the thing which Stitch needs the most. Love is a magic power which is strong enough to change every people. Lilos appear is the most essential thing that changes Stitch because she continues trying her best to teach Stitch the meaning of love and family: “nobody will be left behind or forgotten" (Chris Sander) which Stitch has never touched before. She always treats him as her family member and lets him feel warm and safe. So that gives Stitch the sense of belongingWhen Stitch lost in the woods, holding the story book and said, “Im waiting. For family (Chris Sander) to the scientist who built him. This clearly shows that how strongly Stitch yearns for a family which could accept him, care about him and never giveup on him. He is not an evil monster, and he does not want to lead a displaced life any more. He finds his new self and the meaning of life because of Lilo, who shares her own little sweet family with him. Its like a butterfly bolts in Stitchs heart and ignites the light inside his heart. 

            Both of the film and story tell the audiences how strong the power of love is, which can change peoples personalities. There actually are some of people who cannot get involved with others and they need someone to love them and let them experience the feelings of being cared and needed. They are like the cocoons, struggling in that little dark space, and they are isolated and lonely. However, they are changeable. If someone gives a little piece of love to them to melt the hard cold ice surround them. At that time, their hearts will be filled up by sunshine, and they will be able to face their lives with bright happy smile.


My favorite character

Papa Ge
Papa Ge is my favorite character, and she is one of the four gods. In my opinion, she is the only one different god among other three. The earth god and the water god are like the gods of substances which means that they can only control those things that have no feelings and emotions. But Papa Ge is different, she stands on the same level as the love God. She represents the evil and darkness. Her laughing and her stick show her power obviously. However, she makes me feel that she was once hurt by love before, and then she becomes evil and does not believe in love anymore. I could tell that she actually has a gentle heart because she could kill anybody whenever she wants, but when she saw Ti Mounce was looking for her love so stupidly and tenaciously, Papa Ge was kind of move. She did not kill Ti Mounce while Ti Mounce made the terrible decision. She wanted to give Ti Mounce a chance to try and find her love. Papa Ge is a complex character. That's why I like her.



Review of Once on This Island 
In a word, this musical is awesome!! I love it very much!!
 And I must list my favorite actors here: 
The first one is Papa Ge. She is the god of death and she wears a black dress with a magic stick. She is strong and powerful. When she laughs licentiously, I cannot help cheering for her. I can feel the different charm from her. She is trying her best to make audiences feel that she is a cruel and cold-blood god, which shows by the way she walks and her intonation. And she does a really good job. I think many audiences will not forget her after the play. 
Then, Agwe and Asaka. They are the gods of water and the earth. They are really good at singing. I like their voices so much!! They make the water and the earth god seem really gentle, nice and warm-hearted. Unless they are that kind of people in the real life, or they cannot act so that perfect.
 As well as the Guard of the Gates. John did a good job. His tongue is mean and strong. And the volume of his voice is very loud. That makes him become very dignified. His altitude towards peasants is rude that I can clearly see the personality of the character he acts. Although he does not have too many lines, I cannot forget him after I saw this wonderful play. 
 Everybody is awesome, and I do not know how to describe them.
I have not seen any musical before, so that this is my first time. It was impressive. I really like they kind of tell the whole story by singing. This form of play makes me feel interesting and relax. Besides, the songs in the musical are wonderful. Some are romantic, some are sad, some are enthusiastic, some are soft. They are letting the characters different emotions. I moved a lot. 
The story is about a peasant girl who was adopted by a couple after the disaster. They are poor but happy. And with the blasé of the gods, they lead a happy life. One day, she falls in love with a rich guy suddenly and she saves that man in a car accident. She takes care of him carefully. When the man returns to the city, Ti Moune chooses to go for him instead of listening to her parents. After a long journey, she finds him, but he has already been decided to marry with another rich woman, and this marriage cannot be changed. However, Ti Moune does not give up. She waits outside the gate of the rich man’s house for 2 weeks. Finally, she dies on the day which the rich man marries the wealthy woman. 
 Actually, I do not completely understand this story. And why they tell this story to audiences? Do they want to tell people do not try to climb up because everyone has their self-identify. Different people cannot be together. Their fates has already been decided when they were born. But I do not think so because gods help Ti Moune when they heard her pray, so that means we should go for love, and we find our dream lives by ourselves. But the ending makes me really confused. Do they want to tell people that we should listen to what our parents say because they are good for us? In the story, Ti Moune does not listen to her parents no matter what they say, and then she dies because of her own choice.  


Writing center

                                   Writing center 
        I went to writing center to see Mrs. Swift this Monday, and we spent a long time working with my English essay. I think I learnt a lot from her. 
        And I revised my first paragraph with her that day. She helped me to correct many grammar mistakes, and I feel that my grammar still needs to improve because after I checked by myself; she still can find many mistakes.
        She told me about 3 things:
        First, do not write tons of summaries because response to literature is most about analyze the story, analyze the language and analyze the author’s thoughts. So it is totally wrong if the summary part takes place the most of my essay. She asked me to cancel those useless details, and after I did those details I suddenly felt relax because I felt that my essay became clearer than before. As a result, I only left one specific event which is the reason why Lorenzo does not want to trust others, and he just wants to stay alone. Because of that the totally words number of my completed essay is about 1370, and I am really glad that it is lower than 1500.
          Second, she told me that I need to analyze deeply. For example, she said the original story is like the ground, and my job is to find the things which under the ground, and they are more valuable. And I should not only analyze the plots but also the characters personalities and thoughts and even the language because those things are more valuable than the plot, for they are more difficult to find and understand. 
         Third, she said I did not fully understand the story Me and You because when she asked my some questions about what did Lorenzo and Olivia talked when they were in the cellar together, and I cannot remember those things clearly, and I felt a little bit shame. And she chose a quote from the original story which is the dialogue between Lorenzo and Olivia: “What’s the thing you hate the most in the world?” and she asked my why Olivia asked this question to Lorenzo and why is this question important. I cannot tell why because I thought this was just a simple question; Lorenzo and Olivia just had a free talk which did not have aim at that time. But she did not think so. She thought the reason why Olivia asked this question to Lorenzo is because she cares about him, and she wants to know more about him. And they are starting to know more about each other which portrays that their relationships become closer and tighter. Because of Olivia’s questions, Lorenzo starts to think about himself and think about his life. It is a kind of self discovery. That is the turning point of Lorenzo so it is really important. 
         And then she told me that every story writes for propose, and the authors always willing to tell something to readers so that the most important thing is to find why the author wrote the story so that we could analyze it from the very beginning which could let my essay becomes more clearly and understandable.   



Reflection of my essay: 
     I rewrote my essay, and spent a lot of time on it. I made many changes compete with the original one. 
I checked all of the grammar mistakes in the first paragraph with Mrs. Swift that day, and I am pretty confident with my first paragraph now. I added my thesis statement: “Because of (cancel “two) Olivia and Lilo’s gentleness and patience, Lorenzo and Stitch open their minds and become to more caring people” at the end of the first paragraph so that it could be a complete introductory paragraph now. 
      I added more analysis in my two body paragraphs and canceled many of my summaries. 
I am sure that my first sentences and the last sentences in those two body paragraphs are analysis, and connect with my thesis. I use many analytical words such as show, portray and indicate to make my analysis stronger than before. The ratio of summary vs. analysis is about 1:1 which is much better than before. And I choose a different event of Lorenzo which is the terrible experience of learning swimming in his childhood. In order to explain what makes he become to an isolated and quiet boy. In my opinion this is good because lots of people write about what he does in his new school and old school which just his appearance action. It is difficult to analysis “why” by just looking at his actions, so that I choose to analysis his personality from the beginning. And I use “He cannot get involved with other people” take place of all the summary and details I wrote to show how he is different from normal children. I am not sure this is good or not, but at least; it makes me feel better when I read the new one. 
       For the second paragraph, I talk more about how Olivia does and how Lorenzo feels instead of what Lorenzo does to help Olivia. The reason why I did this change is because I think I should focus on Lorenzo. And I should think deeper by reading his metal activities. After all, most people change start from their mind, so that I choose to analyze from the very beginning again. I added one quote which I think is important: “But that evening I danced, and when I danced I felt something I’d never felt before. I felt alive-it took my breath away”(Ammaniti 143). This is about how Lorenzo feel and apparently shows how his mind changes that night.  I think this part I improve a lot.



Betty Huang 
                                            The Change of Cocoon
           What is love? Love is a giant mutual power which can connect people's hearts, lets them become closer and changes their personalities. No one wants to always be alone and always be the "different type" in others' eyes. Everyone yearns for someone who could give a little piece of love to them, care about them and never give up on them. This love will change them. In Me and You, Olivia trusts Lorenzo and shares her feelings with him, and gives Lorenzo a special experience of being needed, which lets Lorenzo know how to care about other people and actually do something to help others; In the film, Lilo&Stitch, Lilo teaches Stitch the meaning of love and family, and she shares her’s with Stitch, making him feel warm and safe. Because of this, Stitch changes from an evil cold-blood monster to an important indispensable member of Lilo's little sweet family. Because of two Olivia and Lilo’s gentleness and patience, Lorenzo and Stitch open their minds and become to more caring people. 
             Me and You shows how Lorenzo, an isolated boy, opens his mind and becomes to a mature and reliable man because of the days which he spent with Olivia in the cellar. Lorenzo used to be a lonely boy who was lack of safety, and he does not trust anyone because when he was a little boy his father forced him to swim by suddenly throwing him into the sea, although he was very afraid of water. “You were down in the cockpit playing with your toys, they came up to you from behind, slipped your armbands off and you started wriggling, yelling like they were skinning you alive” (Ammaniti 139) that was what Olivia saw by herself. This indicates how terrible Lorenzo’s father is. He does not care about Lorenzo’s feeling at all. The way he treats his own kid is kind of cruel. The actions which Lorenzo did show he was extremely scared because of this, and this is a horrible experience for him which left an unforgettable nightmare in his deep mind. This is reason why Lorenzo resists trusting people because he was betrayed by one of his dearest people. He lost the ability of trust and closed his mind when he was a such young boy. He cannot get involved with others, and he shows his tough and stubborn side in order to protect himself. He lies to his mother that he is going to the ski trip with his friends, but actually he is hiding in the cellar alone. This portrays that a lonely and sympatric boy locks himself in his own world which is like the dark cellar and refuses to feel the sunshine outside. He needs someone to open the door of the dark room inside his heart. 
                 Olivia is the one who changes Lorenzo because she rushed into Lorenzo’s world accidentally and brought him a totally different experience which he has never had before. She is an addict, and she has bad relationship with others, specifically, her father. When she was suffering by withdrawal, she came to the cellar.  At first, Lorenzo did not want Olivia to come in because he does not trust Olivia. He is vigilant against her because he was afraid that Olivia would reveal his secret. However, when he let her in and sees: “she looked liked she’d been chewed up and spat out by a monster who had found her too bitter to eat” (Ammaniti 91) he feels pity for her. So Lorenzo takes care of her and finds medicine for her, and he feels like he is a useful man, a hero. This portrays that the feeling of being needed is amazing, and it gains Lorenzo sense of accomplishment by helping his half-sister, which holds two young person’s hearts closer little by little. Lorenzo is no longer as selfish as before and he learns how to care about others because of this. Because of Lorenzo’s great efforts, Olivia feels better. She has a heart-to-heart talk with Lorenzo and dances with him: “ But that evening I danced, and when I danced I felt something I’d never felt before. I felt alive-it took my breath away”(Ammaniti 143). This shows that because of Olivia, Lorenzo overcomes the thing which he hates the most-dancing, and he feels alive which he is dancing. This is a certainly new experience for him.  Lorenzo is thinking: “I knew that beyond that door the world was waiting for me, and that I would be able to talk to the others like I was one of them. I could leave. I could go to boarding school. I could change the furniture in my bedroom” (Ammaniti 143). This shows that because of Olivia, Lorenzo starts to think about his own, think about his life and think about the world around him. He discovers the truly himself which is hopeful and positive. He starts to use his heart to feel, and everything suddenly becomes bright and meaningful. He is changing little by little like a cocoon which is going to get out the struggle and ready to become a butterfly. 


My Favorite Sentence

His heart beats again, his blood flows again because of Olivia, which means she wakes up a completely different Lorenzo, who is warm-heart and reliable. 
This sentence is my favorite sentence because I think it kind of beautiful, and I am very pleased of that. And this sentence also shows the change of Lorenzo because of Olivia which is a very important sentence. 


Yubin's thesis statement

In both Me and You and the film show that both of their main characters changed because they found hope and true love on the other main characters when they were selfish and indifferent. That special feelings they had never experience before which made them open their minds and became to more caring people. 


Thesis statement+outline

Thesis statement: 

Both Lorenzo and Stitch understood how to love and care about others becuase of they recieved and understood the love from Olivia and Lilo, and they were not hematocryal monsters any more. That because the power of love can change people.

1.There is no absolute heinous people in the world, on one wants to always be alone and always be the "different types" in others' eyes. Everyone yearns for that someone could give a little piece of love to them, care about them and never give up them. They will have an amazing change. Olivia trusts Lorenzo and shares her feelings with him, and Lorenzo finally knows how to care about other people and actually does something to help others in Me and You; Lilo teaches Stitch the meaning of love and family, and she gives Stitch a family which he could feel warm and safe. At the end Stitch changes from a evil hematocryal monster in to an important member of Lilo's little sweet family in Lilo & Stitch. 

2. Love is a great mutual power. It could connect people's hearts and let them become closer. It definitely can change people, and it can change not only the person who is being loved but also change the person who is giving love to others.  In Me and You, not only Olivia changes beacuse of the help of Lorenzo, but also Lorenzo changes from a selfish boy who does not know how to love and how to get on well with others, into a reliable gentle man becuase he did many things to help Olivia, and this is his first time to do something for others; He experienced the feeling of being needed.  In Lilo & Stitch, Stitch changes from a evil hematocryal monster to a sensible helpful "pet" of Lilo's family because Lilo never give up him, and she always sees Stitch as a member of her family. Also, Lilo understands that she needs to be morewell-behaved, and she was no longer a naugthy stubborn girl becuase she understands the meaning of "family" deeper that before.

1.Introductions+Thesis statement
2.body paragraph: How was Lorenzo acting before he met Olivia
                                  What did he actually feel instead of doing what he did. (might become a new                     paragraph)
3.   body paragraph: What did Olivia do which changed Lorenzo
4.   body paragraph: How was Stitch acting before he met Lilo
                                  What did he feel when Lilo tell him about the meaning of love and family (might become a new paragraph)
5.   body paragraph: What did Lilo do to change Stitch 
6.   Conclusion

1.Introduction+Thesis statement
2.Body paragraph: How did Lorenzo act before he spent several days with Olivia
3.Body paragraph: How did Olivia act before she spent several days with Lorenzo.
4.Body paragraph: How did they change each other by spending several days together
5.Body paragraph: How did Stitch act before he met Lilo
6.Body paragraph: How did Lilo act before she met Stitch
7.Body paragraph: How did they change each other.

Lorenzo provides Olivia place to live, tries to save her life when she was suffering of the drug addiction and takes care of her. He learnt how to love and care about other by doing those things for Olivia, and that also changes Olivia. She shares her true feelings with Lorenzo, helps him answer his mother's phone call, and promises him that she will not take drugs anymore.  Love helps those people understand that they are being needed or being cared about by others. Love does not unilateral exist. 


Snow Day Poem

a piano player in the dinning hall

slept in the dorm
woke up by the alarm
checked my email surprisingly
withdraw the curtain excitingly
the wind ripped out the snowflakes
sound like they sing a wild poem
put on winter coat and hat
walk on the road carefully like a cat
the dinning hall's heat
covered my glasses by steam
hold a hot chocolate and added some cream
the sound of piano raised next to me
a man was playing the song of Debussy


Lilo & Sitich

         The movie is about a little blue dog-like monster which is rough, rude and wild called the experiment NO.626 which was created by a alien scientist, escaped from the spaceship to the Earth. He wanted to avoid from being caught by those aliens. He landed on the Earth, Hawaii and had been adopted accidentally by a girl named Lilo. Lilo was a girl who always had those different ideas, and she was kind of stubborn; she lived with her sister, for her parents had gone because of the car accident. They were poor, and she did not have friends, although she really wanted one; other girls treated her differently because they seemed Lilo as plague. Lilo’s relationship with her sister was close and they were really important to each other, but they always argued and yelled at each other. Life was pretty hard for them, and Lilo was going to be taken away because the government thought that her sister did not have ability to take care of Lilo. 
           Sitich was like a gift for Lilo which was sent by the God. Lilo’s wish was to have a friend who will never leave her. Sitich was the one. 
             At first, Sitich made tons of troubles because he was designed to destroy everything. He was smarter than a super computer so that he was a truly trouble maker. He broke the shelf, teared down the pillow, bit the camera and hit people. However, Lilo never give up him; she kept teaching him how to be a model citizen and the meaning of “love” and “family” which means “ nobody will be left behind or forgotten.” She treated him as a member of her little broken but glued family. She changed Sitich little by little. 
               “ It’s interesting, 626 was designed to destroy, what if he has nothing to destroy?”. Scientist Jiangba said. Sitich read the book of Ugly Duckling and he felt lost same as the feeling of the lost ugly duckling. He started to hope that if he could have a family and have some one who care about him, because of Lilo’s words and the story. "I'm waiting. Family. Maybe I could have one." This is what Sitich said when he met Jiangba in the woods. Finally, Sitich did not appointed Lilo; He tried his best to save Lilo, when was caught by captian Gantoo, and he definitely did it perfectly. 
             The ending of the story was warm. Sitich was allowed to stay in the Earth with Lilo, and the life of this little sweet family became better and better.       


The 3 movies

it was made by DreamWorks Studio.
It talks about a kind of E.T. all from a planet which was really far away from Earth and came to Earth to avoid the attact from the E.T from another planet. Their personalities were dishonest, boring, coward and selfish. They took control of the Earth and placed all of the human to a tiny place on the Earth. One little girl escaped from E.T. and was the only human left in the cities; she was creative, brave, friendly and warm-heart, and she was pretty stubborn. She wanted to find her mother, and then she met an E.T. who was hiding from others because he made a huge mistake and can not be forgiven. As a result, they worked together and got on a same car, but they had exactly different goals.  

It talks about a tough strong young horse who was caught by human. Many people wanted to tame him, but they all failed. There was a young native man who was really good at geting on well with horses, and they spent a long time together. Finally, the horse admited that the man is his friend and let him rode on his back. The young man is the person who change the horse to become more docile and skilled. Then the horse had been caught by the army, and the young man helped the horse to escape.

<Lilo & Sitich>
It was one of the most famous flims. It talks about a little blue monster called experiment No.626 escaped to the Earth because they wanted to kill it. He was tough, rude and wild. He was accidently adopted by a little girl from Hawaii whoes name was Lilo. Lilo lived with her sister and nonoe of her parents were taking care of them. They were sort of poor, and Lilo was a trouble maker. She could not get on well with her classmates. Lilo taught Sitich how to love and care people who were important to them. Finally, Sitich became one of the member of Lilo's family.