
Reflection of the Creative Project

                                                     Dolls of A Happy Family
      Six different characters which are designed by myself were painted on the surface of three blank wooden dolls. They are Ashmol and Kellyanne, Annie and Rex, Pobby and Dingan which are the main characters of the book Pobby and Dingan. Different couples of characters have different backgrounds, and of them have different deep meanings.  
     The characters on the biggest doll are Asmol and Kellyanne. They have golden hair, dark eyes, and even some nifty freckles. Ashmol wears an orange T-shirt which we can tell his open and vivacious personality by looking at it. There are some green leaves patterns behind and next to his shoulders, which symbolize that Ashmol is like leaves. He is positive and willing to face the sun, and he shows his enormous vitality. In the book, he tries his best to help his family solve problems. Compare with Kellyanne, he has longer life, so that is why the background of Kellyanne are roses----beautiful but fragile. On the biggest doll, Kellyanne is wearing a pink dress standing in front of the roses. She is pale and pretty just like those delicate and charming roses. Above Ashmol and Kellyanne’s heads, it is a night sky. The patterns on the sky are not stars but mysterious white circles which represent Kellyanne and Ashmol’s endless imagination because in the book Kellyanne and Ashmol are the two people who believe Pobby and Dingan so as those imaginary things are real.
     For the second doll, we painted Dad and Mom on it. Annie has blond straight hair and wears a deep purple skinny shirt. There are not many emotions on her face, and she looks strict. In my opinion, she is not that strong, and she always felt unhappy and homesick during that time period when her family was in a terrible situation. On the opposite side of the doll, we drew Rex. He has curly brown hair and wears a black suit. He has a face of vicissitudes that because he works in the mine and needs to do those heavy works everyday. We want people can see tired on his face. The background of Annie and Rex are the national flags of Australia and England which tells the nationalities of them. And we combine the two national flags together without separate also want to show that love can break the differences between country, culture and language (Australia English and British English have some differences). 
     The two important characters are on the smallest doll----Pobby and Dingan. Red and pastel blue are the colors that normal people will not use to color their hair. However, they are Pobby and Dingan’s hair colors which indicate that they are not normal people but imaginary friends of Kellyanne. The background of Pobby and Dingan has four colors: blue, yellow, green and pink with colorful butterflies on it. These four colors are light colors which can create an atmosphere of wonderland, and butterflies give people a common sense of fairies. All of those patterns show that Pobby and Dingan are not human. Besides, Pobby wears white and blue that means he is a pacifist. The reason why we painted them on the smallest doll is that we see the doll as a person, and the closer the thing to the inside, the closer to the spirit world. 
      The most important part of the project is a picture of the whole family sitting at the dinner table. The happy shows on everyone’s face, and we can feel the peaceful atmosphere at that moment. The whole family is united together. This picture is the shining memory which is like the core of the dolls so as the whole family. I learnt that family will always be the strongest support of a person, and the happy memories among the family members will become the bond of them which can make the love tighter and deeper. 
      I met many difficulties when I did the project such as the water color are very easy to stick on my fingers and when my finger with color press on the blank space of the doll, it becomes dirty. So it is very hard to deal with this problem. Besides, it is also difficult to draw pictures on the curly surface, and it always makes my finger ache if I spend a long time painting.  

