

Proposal of creative project:
Yichen and me want to make a project together which has something to do with painting. I suggested to paint the characters on blank Matryoshka dolls, each doll paints two characters. I think that will be a great idea because draw pictures on the Matryoshka dolls would be a lovely way to show our work. And Yichen suggested to put a long piece of paper inside the dolls and draw some important plots on it. I think it is a very fancy idea, too. And it will surprise people. 
1. We have already bought the blank Matryoshka dolls on Amazon, and it will be shipped to school on 12th April. ( I once thought that we can make the ceramic dolls by ourselves, but then we realized that it will waste too much time, and we won’t finish the project on time. Then I gave up.)
2. We will design the cartoon style characters by ourselves not copy from the internet, but I will search for some cartoons and learn how to draw them. There are six characters in total, Ashmol, Kellyanne, Pobby, Dingan, Dad and mom. The important thing for this part is that I need to zoom those characters characteristics, so that we can recognize who is who, but it is very hard to draw. 
3. Then we will use watercolor to color the dolls. Actually I have no idea where can we borrow the watercolor. ( Maybe I think I should at least two groups of Matryoshka dolls because we will probably make some mistakes while we are painting)
4. We will use color pencils to draw the long paper with plots. We will discuss together to choose 3~4 plots that we think are the most important and link them together on one piece of paper. The plots we are going to choose are: Kellyanne plays with Pobby and Dingan. Their fence are setting on fire; Annie sits on the bed watching old photos; Ashmol goes down to the mine and finds Pobby and Dingan by himself during the midnight; All of the people in the town come to join Pobby and Dingan's funeral. The thing is that piece of paper would be very tiny, so that it is also hard to draw.
Finally, I want sort of improve my art skills, and I have this chance to create my own cartoon characters. So that It also can improve my imagination. 

