

2. What connection does Asmol make between the land covered with seawater and Pobby and Dingan? Why is that important to the story?

" I felt a shiver go down my spine just thinking about how strange this was, that a sea was once here where now there is nothing but dry land. And suddenly I thought how maybe if this amazing thing was true it was just possible Pobby and Dingan were true too."
Ashmol thought if this extremely change which was the land he was step on was changed from sea could happen, so that nothing will be impossible. That means Pobby and Dingan have some chances to be real too. ( Analyze: what Ashmol saw was the land, and he did not see the sea so do everybody because no one can live thousands of years, but people still know and believe that the sea was truly exist here thousand years ago. That means the thing which you cannot see by your own eyes still possibly exist.) 
* This was Ashmol's mental activities, which clearly shows that at this moment, he converted his mind and believed that maybe Pobby and Dingan were truly exist because of the scenery he saw and what his dad told him. It shows the big change of Ashmol from strongly believe that P&D were fake to try to think about maybe they are real. This big change pushed the plot move forward. It lay the foundition of Ashmol found Dingan's big opal bellybutton and Pobby and Dingan's died bodies. 

5. In the very end of the novel, Ashmol talks about what it’s like to “believe in something which is hard to see. Or to keep looking for something that’s totally hard to find.” Discuss the importance of imagination and dreams in this novel. Why are they so important even if they cannot be seen. Consider what dreams Rex, the father, and Annie, the mother, have in the story. Consider, also, the dream that Ashmol has. How do those "unseen" dreams connect to Kellyanne's belief in Pobby and Dingan?
         (Mine : Rex)

All of Ashmol’s family members have dream.
Kellyanne's dream is "her imaginary friends Pobby and Dingan.
Rex's dream is: finding tons of valuble opals by himself and becoming to a succeful millinair, so that        everybody will admire him and no one will tease him and his family anymore.
Kellyanne is the youngest member of this family, and she is not that mature, so her dream is the most childish and objectivise which is P&D. But it is still equally with everybody else dream. It is important to her and effect her a lot. So that it is meaningful. 
*What is dream? in my opinion, dream is like something you strongly believe no matter what other people say, and it can cheer you up and has good effects on you. Dream is the shore of a person during a certain period of his\her lifetime. 
 Of course, dream is invisble and untouchble because it is on the profound level of your sprite. However, it is important for everyone. Because of dream, Rex could still stay at this tough mining area and keep finding opal when other miners set his fence on fire and called him rat. Just because he strongly believes his dream that he can find opal. That's true his dream might be ridiclous to somebody, and he might face many difficulties and troubles, but it is close and touchable and really exist to him.
 Because of P&D which is Kellyanne’s dream, she could have her own friendship and have a happy childhood. It weighed the same as Rex's dream. So dream so be protected.
Dreamis powerful. Because of it people have goals, and it can make you face your tomorrow much more positively. 

